Tuesday, 7 August 2012


I am struck by the beauty of icebergs. Each one is unique, and constantly changing. On a sunny day, against a backdrop of blue sky and an even deeper blue coloured ocean, rays of light catch the ice crystals and are scattered in all manner of directions, making dancing patterns on the waves. It is truly a stunning sight. Some are huge, some are small, but all are beautiful. And what's interesting about icebergs is that most of it is actually hidden under the water. We only see a tiny portion. A vast quantity of solid immovable ice is what supports the amazing sight that you see. And the bigger the sight above the water, the bigger the base below.

I have just spent a month at home in England, partly working and partly vacation. I have loved seeing friends and family and I have been totally blown away by people's love and support. Many of you have bought me coffee, lunch, dinner, prayed for me, given financially, and generally encouraged me. I am surprised how many of you have said things like, 'we love your blog'; 'what you are doing is SO amazing'; 'we love hearing your stories of hope and healing and feeling connected'. I honestly hadn't expected such an overwhelming reaction. And the truth is ........I think I feel a bit like an iceberg.

I may be the tip of the iceberg, the one who is seen. But truly, you are all the base that supports me. That was so very evident to me this last month in England. So I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for supporting me emotionally, professionally, spiritually and financially. I am only who I am, and can only do what I do, because of all that people have sown into me over the years. Many people have helped to develop my character, my natural abilities and my skills as a doctor, to make this current work possible. The truth is I wouldn't be working for Mercy Ships without this base of support beneath me. When the base of the iceberg melts, the tip disappears. So, sincerely, thank you for being the hidden base that gives beauty and form to the tip.

Another thing that struck me this month when people repeatedly said to me, 'you're doing amazing things', is that actually we are all doing 'amazing things'. We just have to realise it.. My medical colleagues do an amazing job caring for some of the sickest children in England; parents and grandparents do an amazing job investing in the next generation. Even simply having a coffee, a round of golf or a game of tennis with someone can also be amazing if you use that time to speak words of comfort, hope or encouragement. Helping someone by doing their shopping, cooking a meal, visiting them in hospital is pretty amazing too. Why?  Because these things all bring life and hope to others...... and that is good news for those who receive it...that's why it's amazing.

So thank you for being part of my iceberg....for keeping me afloat (and not melting in the heat) so that light can glance off me bringing beauty, dignity, hope and healing to the poor of West Africa.
And I hope you can see your potential as an iceberg too....bringing beauty, dignity and life to those around you.

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