Sunday, 9 December 2012


What gifts are you wanting this Christmas?
Nothing is more precious than a wanted or deeply needed gift.

In my career as a paediatric anaesthetist and paediatric intensive care doctor, I have met many parents of critically ill children. Most parents would willingly give up their own life if it would save their child's life. The Christmas story is the other way around. A parent gives up the child's life. That is the extraordinary thing about Christmas. A child’s life is GIVEN for our benefit.

Jesus was born for us. His life is a gift to us. A much needed Christmas present. Let me explain why?

Isaiah 9:6 says,
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders, and He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

In this scripture, the writer is describing a vision he saw. He saw the darkness and gloom of a nation and he saw a child born who would remove the darkness, and bring hope. So we might not be ‘ruled by life’, but instead ‘rule in life’. That is the benefit of Jesus's birth.

I don't have to be 'ruled by life'. I don't have to be a victim of the stressors and pressures of my job, or the bad things that happen, like when children get sick, or when people bully me. Life can be brutal on hope, but I can learn how to triumph in these situations, to overcome and to 'rule in life'. It is possible to rule, even when life is hard. How do I know? Because i have experienced it and because the bible also says that 'He (God) prepares a table for us (ie a banquet, a feast) in the presence of our enemies'. Psalm 23 :5

So how does the birth of Jesus at Christmas make this possible?

1.    Because 'the government will be upon his shoulders'. Someone explained it like this, 'His government consists in ruling in the hearts of his people, in subduing their enemies, in protecting them, their persons and properties, rights and liberties, and in supplying them with everything necessary; and this government is delegated to him from his Father, is not of this world, but is spiritual; it is righteously administered, is peaceable, and will continue for ever'. Jesus was born to rule. And so are we, in his name.

2.    'And he will be called....'. In Hebrew, to be called and to be are the same thing. Names are important. They define who we are and what we carry. Look at who Jesus is and what he carries / comes to bring:
  Wonderful Counsellor.
Jesus has wisdom and creative solutions, we just need to ask him. As Alan Scott says, 'there are answers in the heart of God that you cannot google'.
  Mighty God.
Jesus is not just a sweet baby in a manger, but he is the Powerful and Mighty God. He has defeated all the schemes of the enemy.
  Everlasting Father.
Protection, love, care, and everything you need or want a father to be, Jesus is and will be forever.
  Prince of Peace.
Jesus is the Prince of Shalom, the Prince of Prosperity, the Giver of all Blessings.

May you know how to rule in life, because for you a child is born, for you son is given.

Happy Christmas